
Missouri-Madison Comprehensive Recreation Plan

boats below the dam

Missouri-Madison Comprehensive Recreation Plan

NorthWestern Energy has prepared the Missouri-Madison Comprehensive Recreation Plan (CRP) to help document and fulfill Project 2188 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license responsibilities for operating its nine hydro-power developments (eight hydroelectric-generating facilities and one storage reservoir) on the Missouri and Madison Rivers in Montana. It is not the intent of NorthWestern Energy or the plan to set public policy, but instead to facilitate collaboration and communication among the various governmental entities that have management jurisdiction for recreation resources in this area and to work within the existing policies, plans and priorities of these agencies regarding management of recreation resources. The public is invited to participate in implementation of the plan through regionally established working groups, the existing framework of managing agencies, and elected officials.

Recreation managers and others interested in the recreation opportunities and resources within the Project Area can use the CRP to:

  • Gain an overall understanding of the recreational resources, issues and trends affecting recreational resources in the Project Area and to consider how specific recreation projects fit within the entire project area.
  • Understand which entity (NorthWestern Energy or its agency partners) is primarily responsible for ongoing operation and maintenance of key recreation sites, services and facilities.
  • Understand how the CRP will be implemented.
  • Guide funding for recreation projects consistent with existing plans adopted by various governmental entities. The CRP does not create mandatory requirements for recreation managers.
  • Understand criteria for funding recreation projects with funds from the Missouri-Madison River Fund (established to fund projects under this CRP) and for NorthWestern Energy matching funds.
  • Find information about how specific recreation projects fit within the context of the river corridor and other resources and management plans.
  • Know how to apply for project funds from the Missouri-Madison River Fund.

NorthWestern Energy inviting public to share input about recreation along Missouri and Madison rivers

Date: Aug 26, 2024

Butte, Mont. – Aug. 26, 2024 – NorthWestern Energy is inviting the public to provide input about recreational facilities and opportunities along the Missouri and Madison rivers.

NorthWestern Energy owns and operates two dams (Hebgen and Madison dams) on the Madison River and seven dams (Hauser, Holter, Black Eagle, Rainbow, Cochrane, Ryan and Morony dams) on the Missouri River. Enhancing public recreation in these areas is a federal licensing requirement to operate the dams.

NorthWestern Energy, in partnership with the public-private Missouri-Madison River Fund, have provided $6.4 million in grant funding for public recreation, leveraging $12.9 million in public recreation enhancements, since 2007. NorthWestern Energy has also contributed $1.8 million in matching funds.

NorthWestern Energy is hosting four meetings to gather public input about public recreation along the river corridors included in the Missouri-Madison Comprehensive Recreation Plan, part of our federal licensing requirement.

“Our Montana hydro facilities are an incredible carbon-free generation resource for our Montana customers,” said NorthWestern Energy Manager of Hydro License Compliance Andy Welch. “The Missouri River and Madison River corridors where our hydro facilities are located are also an incredible recreational resource for Montanans and visitors. We work closely with public agency partners to provide the best possible opportunities for public recreation, but are holding these meetings to offer the general public a chance to voice their suggestions about what will continue to make the recreational experiences in this area positive.”

Meetings will be held:

Sept. 23, 6-8 p.m. Hebgen Ranger District Office conference room, 330 Gallatin Road, West Yellowstone

Sept. 24, 6-8 p.m. Madison Valley Public Library conference room, 210 Main St., Ennis

Oct. 15, 6-8 p.m. Montana WILD Education Center auditorium, 2668 Broadwater Ave., Helena

Oct. 17, 6-8 p.m. Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center theater, 4201 Giant Springs Road, Great Falls.

A summary of the Missouri-Madison Comprehensive Recreation Plan and projects, use history, access and opportunities will be presented. Overviews of improvements supported by the Missouri-Madison River Fund will also be presented.

The public will have the opportunity to provide input regarding potential for improvement to existing access facilities and opportunities, as well as new facilities and opportunities they would like to see in these important river corridors the future.

If you have questions, please email NorthWestern Energy Manager of Hydro License Compliance Andy Welch at

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NorthWestern Energy - Delivering a Bright Future

NorthWestern Energy, provides essential energy infrastructure and valuable services that enrich lives and empower communities while serving as long-term partners to our customers and communities. We work to deliver safe, reliable, and innovative energy solutions that create value for customers, communities, employees, and investors. We do this by providing low-cost and reliable service performed by highly-adaptable and skilled employees. We provide electricity and / or natural gas to approximately 775,300 customers in Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Yellowstone National Park. Our operations in Montana and Yellowstone National Park are conducted through our subsidiary, NW Corp, and our operations in South Dakota and Nebraska are conducted through our subsidiary, NWE Public Service. We have provided service in South Dakota and Nebraska since 1923 and in Montana since 2002.


Media Contacts:

Jo Dee Black




Missouri-Madison Recreation Monitoring

NorthWestern Energy conducts recreation monitoring efforts as part of our hydroelectric license. These efforts include annual monitoring of recreation user volume and site conditions, as well as recreation visitor use surveys conducted at regular intervals to assess opinions and satisfaction of visitors to public recreation sites within the corridor. Use the links below to access the most recent information obtained from these monitoring efforts.

Missouri-Madison River Fund

Since 2007, the Missouri-Madison River Fund, a public-private partnership aimed at addressing the ongoing needs for public recreation in the Missouri-Madison Project Area, has leveraged $10.3 million for public recreation enhancements.